Premiere: Watch Descent Smash The Towers Of Grandiosity


Tough as Nails Aussie Dismembercore!

Yet again I’m made to feel completely ignorant through discovering a band from my own country by way of writing for an international Toilet-themed website. Descent are a Brisbane-based band featuring members of Snorlax, Siberian Hell Sounds, and our long-term fave grotesque-grind outfit Coffin Birth. Anyway, it’s not just me who gets to feel ignant as fuck today as we’ve got an absolutely savage track premiere for you to cave skulls with. Smash play get your Friday morning off to a banger!

As I alluded to in the intro, Descent nail that quintessential Swedeath HM-2 sound, and combined it with the raw aggression of modern death-grind. Kind of what I’d imagine Mammoth Grinder or Black Breath would be doing if they hit the glass barby instead of getting stoned to post-Clandestine Entombed. And just like a filthy shabs binge, Descent’s debut Towers Of Grandiosity goes by in a blur, is detrimental to your health and those around you, and is extremely addictive. Grab this shit before it becomes a scheduled substance.

Descent‘s Towers Of Grandiosity releases on August 31st through Redefining Darkness Records.
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