Premiere: Psychotomy Invoke A Fiery Death On ‘Kenosis’

Flaming hot death metal for your Friday morning.
One of the few perks about volunteering your free time organising and putting together content for a non-profit metal website is you sometimes get access to killer music a little bit before the general public. Big fucken deal, right? Well normally this gives you a chance to suss out whether an album is worth spending your ever-dwindling time on. Today is an exception, for this new track from Italian death trio Psychotomy is so damn fresh it’s still steamin’. And while I haven’t even had a chance to check the whole album, after hearing this absolute beast of a track there was no question that this deserved the spotlight.
‘Towards The Pillars Of Chaos/Kenosis’ is the first taste of the band’s upcoming debut full-length titled Aphotik, and also happens to be the first cut from the record. After spending a few weeks deep in an Immolation binge, this premiere could not have arose at a better time for me. Psychotomy have that same red hot lava-like riffing which steadily flows through the track like pyroclastic flow down Mount Vesuvius; the edges blackening as they come in contact with organic matter, cooling into igneous vestiges of life, now reduced to charcoal cocoon-like crypts. At the core of this are Lory and Nene’s sinister note choices, which echo the kind of murky sound Cruciamentum dredged up on their last EP, and Lory’s vocals are correspondingly demonic. Here, check it out for yourself.
Definitely sounds like this album is going to fit in nicely on Everlasting Spew‘s roster, alongside Valgrind, and especially Construct Of Lethe. After closely following View From The Coffin‘s page ever since the artist did some amazing work with Sinmara, it was excellent finding out that those mysterious draft outlines we’d been seeing uploaded were destined for the cover of Aphotik. If that cover doesn’t complete the package for you on this one, I don’t know what could.