Premiere: Outline‘s Fire Whiplash Lights Up The Night


Sleeping by day and drawn out by the night? This album is for you.

So what are you up to tonight? If, by any chance, you plan to don your leather jacket as soon as the sun sets, have a few beers at the gas station, and hit the city with its garish neon lights, where vice and raucousness beckon at every corner, to spend the night in dive bars, well then we just might have the soundtrack for you. We’re proud to premiere Outline‘s debut album Fire Whiplash, a street-bred blend of speed and heavy metal with plenty of thrash charm. Stab play below to let the duo take you on a tour of the night life.

That’s that sound! That sound of the places you’re inadvertently drawn to as you prowl the nocturnal streets. The sound of a basement dive where sweat is dripping from the celing as the crowd goes ham while the band is giving it their all on the “stage” (consisting of a carpet at the back of the room). Banging heads, pumping fists, and spilling beer, the people are whipped into a frenzy.

Your guide through the evening is vocalist Tanza Speed; ranging from clean heavy metal highs (think James Hetfield if he sounded good on No Life ‘Till Leather) to a thrash-y snarl, her front-and-center performance tethers your attention even when the pit is at its wildest. Any fan of the earliest thrash and speed metal releases should find plenty to like here.

Fire Whiplash it out on July 27th on Hell’s Headbangers. Digital and physical copies available here. Check what they’re up to here.

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