Premiere: Pile of Excrements Talk Shit on “Cult of the Unibrow”


Feeling down in the dumps? Like you’re the butt of every joke? Does it seem like everyone around you is just such an asshole? Well, I wish I could tell you that this new track from Pile of Excrements is just what you need to cheer you up, but honestly, death metal this filthy is only fit for reminding you how flush with crap the world really is. Oh well. Might as well get in here and waste the rest of your day with some killer death metal, courtesy of “Cult of the Unibrow.”

What exactly is the “Cult of the Unibrow?” It doesn’t sound like much of a poop joke on its surface, but dig a bit deeper and you’re sure to uncover some nuggets of corny truth. Once you truly look into the swirling waters, you’ll see an entire cosmos laid out in the Greek duo;s Escatology, one of dense black matter, forces topping the Bristol scale, and gnarly-ass riffs. It’s all enough to constipate your brain with how much refuse there is out there in the universe.

But back to the Unibrow. Perhaps it’s a sign of acceptance, a greasy skid mark of honor worn by all those who sup of the infernal filth of Pile of Excrements. This track’s main riff, a huge Asphyx-on-the-john whopper, certainly demands adulation and/or fealty before the porcelain throne. The blazing-butthole-after-too-many-jalapenos solos that adorn that main riff like hunks of chopped onion will decidedly knock you off your high-stool, but if you’re still not impressed, the humid, too-much-macaroni-poop in a hot bathroom production will definitely bowl you over. Add in the agonized vocal samples of folks trying unsuccessfully to excrete after a night of binging on Buffalo Wings, and you’ve got one fetid track you won’t want to pass.

Pile of Excrements’ Escatology drops October 23rd via Memento Mori. Drop a deuce or two on it at Memento Mori’s website, then go follow the brown trout to the band’s Facebook.

I need a shower

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