Premiere: Pile of Priests – “Tenebrous Labyrinth”


Old-school thrashing death metal with a progressive touch.

If any part of that description is something you’re into, you’re going to want to familiarize yourself with Pile of Priests. These guys have been purveying nasty death-thrash for the past eight years, pulling inspiration from the past without being shackled to it. Now, hot on the heels of a single released last month, Pile of Priests are ready to unleash their newest beast, Tenebrous Labyrinth. We have the pleasure of bringing you its opening song today, with guitarist/vocalist extraordinaire Evan Salvidor giving us a little backstory about it:

“Tenebrous Labyrinth is the title track off our upcoming EP; it’s about the dark places of the mind that depression and paranoia can induce, a ‘labyrinth’ of thoughts if you will. We have all agreed that this EP is the pinnacle of our sound thus far. It’s fast, evil, melodic, and incorporates other styles of metal besides just death metal.”

Exploring diseases of the mind, “Tenebrous Labyrinth” is suitably dark. Everything under their wide umbrella of influences, from old Pestilence to Revocation, can be heard here. It’s fast and violent, but tempered with a sobering melancholy reflective of its subject matter. Above all, it’s driven by the power of its riffs. The guitars twist and wind around a dynamic bass and pugilistic drums, rounded out with fantastically chunky vocals. But hey, don’t take my word for it; hit that play button and clear yourself some mosh space.

Tenebrous Labyrinth is out November 24th, self-released by the band. Check out Pile of Priests on Facebook if you like what you hear.

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