Premiere: Stream Unendlich’s Misanthropic Sedition in full


We’ve got a sweet new stream for you black metal fans today, courtesy of Baltimore’s Unendlich. Make sure you bundle up; it’s an icy one.

But it’s not too icy. Unendlich mastermind Michael Connors understands what makes the Second Wave™ sound work and breaks just enough of the rules to make it sound fresh, boorish opinions of the self-described “black metal elite” be damned. Misanthropic Sedition is a modern take on melodic black metal that pays homage to the past without deifying it; Connors’ harsh rasping and wintry melodies are emblematic of the style, as is Anthony Rouse’s blistering drum performance, but cleaner production and death metal tinged riffing keep it from feeling antiquated. Tasteful implementation of strings and piano, as well as some smooth baritone singing on “Already Dead,” are just icing on the cake.

Besides the two new tracks and two re-recordings of older songs, we’re also treated to a couple covers. Dissection mainstay “Where Dead Angels Lie” is a natural fit here, melding with Connors’ writing style perfectly. More surprising is the gloriously blackened take on “The Figurehead” by The Cure; while it’s not something that immediately comes to mind when you think “black metal,” the subject matter is depressing enough that it fits, and it’s just a solid cover to boot. All in all this is a very satisfying EP, so I’m going to shut up and let you listen to it:

Misanthropic Sedition is out this Friday, December 14th. Be sure to follow Unendlich on Facebook, and I thoroughly encourage you to check out their back catalog as well.

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