Premiere: The Odious Construct – “Shrine of the Obscene”


It’s the second best T-day of the week. How about some new tech?

Seeing bands you like get bigger and better always feels good, and it’s why I’m especially excited about what we’ve got for you today. We had The Odious Construct on Tech Death Thursday awhile back, and they’ve been cracking away at a followup to their debut the past couple years. Today, we bring you the first fruits of their labor, the title track to Shrine of the Obscene.

The Odious Construct’s sound on their eponymous EP belonged very much to the traditional school of the genre, characterized by tons of rapid arpeggios with a slight neoclassical flavor and given a Gothic touch with the addition of synths. Not too much has changed from that shreddy core, as you’ll hear with “Shrine of the Obscene,” but there are some noticeable improvements. The band uses syncopation and experiments with interesting rhythms much more now, giving their music a little more personality that helps separate them from the crowd. It also makes the more aggressive and much heavier, and heavier is always better. Check it out:

Tech death that is both beastly and elegant is a rare breed, but you’ll be able to get plenty of it when Shrine of the Obscene hits on October 12th. You can preorder it through The Artisan Era on either Bandcamp or their online merch store, and you can follow The Odious Construct at the face place for updates.

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