Premiere: Harvest The Fruits Of Suppression’s Sickness


Deadly new technical thrash from South America, need we say more?

While a lot of fuss has been made over 20 Buck Spin dominating the death metal front this year, eliciting both positive and negative reactions from all manner of internet metal goofs, along with Wäffengöat666 Rekkords’ strangehold on the pvre pagan black metal scene, there’s been one label indisputably at the totem head of thrash this year—our dudes at Unspeakable Axe Records. Now I dunno if we’re the only site who’s been blown-the-fuck-away by their output this year, but it has honestly felt like every couple of weeks they’ve been dropping an absolute bangfest on us. So much so that what started as a joke on our Riff-Raff Podcast a few months back has developed into some kind of Freudian slip for me, to the point where I have repeatedly referred to them as “Unspeakable Thrash Records.”

Just in the past few months alone we’ve:

And now today we’re once again stoked as fuck to be giving you an exclusive early stream of the latest in that growing list of thrash acts to keep your eye on, the chaotic Chilean cohort – Suppression. Many of you will remember the collective pants-cumming that went on courtesy of that prominant DiGiorgio-esque bass on Ripper’s latest Sensory Stagnation EP; as well-warranted as that was, the lower end thwomping on Repugnant Remains is going to have fluids bursting from all your orifices. And if that tone sounds familiar, it’s because Suppression feature two members who played on Experiment Of Existence, including bassist Pablo Cortés, who is also of part of another band we’ve covered a few times on the site, Asphyxian death-doom outfit Ancient Crypts. After hearing the Martin van Drunen-styled vocals on this new Suppression joint I was actually surprised to learn it wasn’t the same vocalist from Ancient Crypts performing on Repugnant Remains. Ok, enough tangential name-dropping from me, you need to hear this furious shit right now.

Suppression’s Repugnant Remains Releases This Friday @ Unspeakable Axe
Webstore Pre-Order | Bandcamp


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