R.I.P. Adrian Guerra of Bell Witch


Adrian Guerra, former drummer and vocalist of esteemed Seattle funeral doom duo Bell Witch, has passed away. We do not currently know of any potential causes of death – we only know his friends are mourning him and that he will be deeply missed by the heavy music community.

Adrian’s unearthly howls and ominously steady beats were a critical component of Bell Witch’s sound during his tenure in the band. Jesse Shreibman deftly stepped into Adrian’s shoes last year, but they were some large shoes to fill indeed.

If you aren’t hip to Bell Witch yet, now is the time to make amends. Check this live video from St Vitus last year, featuring tons of great footage of Adrian doing his thing.

Cheers from Earth, Adrian. I hope that in whatever circle of Hell you’ve entered, they are blaring your jams and treating you like royalty of the underworld.

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