World Metal News: Metallica, Tool, DsO, Khemmis, Iced Earth, WWF, Peter Jackson, and more!
There’s a growing outrage over the phenomenon of “Fake News”. Fortunately, every news story you’re about to read is 100% true. -
The Porcelain Throne: Hypocrisy
We haven’t done one of these in awhile! Luckily, dedicated Toliet fan TheGranulatingDarkSatanicMilfs remembered this little column and provided all the ... -
Metal’s Zenith: A Look Back at the MTV Metallica Icon Award Show
Metallica is an institution, and regardless of whether you’re the bitter curmudgeon wearing an “It Should Have Been Lars” shirt or ... -
AOTY 2016, as chosen by Jason Kolkey, Link Leonhart, and Boss the Ross!
We heard you like lists, so here are the Top 10 metal records of 2016 as selected by Dr. K, ... -
An Incomplete List Of Bad Album Art Vol. 1
No, I can’t do any better, but I have enough sense not to try in the first place. -
Crossing the Thrashold: Post Election Mexican Standoff
Well I’ll be goddamned, Toileteers. I’m gone from writing for the Toilet for a couple of months and y’all manage ... -
Overrated? Find a Better Criticism
It’s an inevitable turn in the conversation about any work in music, film, or literature that has been greeted with ... -
Hardwired to List Construct: The Best Song from Each Metallica Album
It’s been 8 years since Metallica released Death Magnetic, an album that sounds like if your dad’s old band from ... -
This Week in Metal News History: 2001
Tired of “so-and-so’s album turned 30 today” articles? Yeah, me too. Let’s get into some of the grittier pieces of ...