TMP: Baroness, Illimitable Dolor, Possessed, and More!
64 news bites enter and only one wins. What’s on your bracket? -
TMP: Hate Eternal, Arsis, Psycroptic, and More!
There’s not a lot of news, but there is a lot of GOOD news. Jam some new tracks this morning. -
TMP: The Black Dahlia Murder, Sodom, Emma Ruth Rundle & More!
Have nightmares about drowning in news every Monday, wake up, and drown in news. Every Monday. -
TMP: Full of Hell, Earthless, Atheist, and More!
The Decibel Tour thing was pretty rad on Friday. Khemmis played a new song that sounded great and Enslaved blew ... -
News Dealer!
In the age of information, news are like drugs, and I’m the supplier. Or something.