Flush it Friday: Politics, Beer, and Other Things Everyone Agrees About


Salutations, fellow flushers. Come one, come all, and join me in our weekly tradition: Flush it Friday. The day of the week where we can bitch about our daily lives, highlight the good that has happened to us, and generally be gross and disgusting to each other. Come on in.

By now, I’m sure our commenting base knows what Flush it Friday is, so let’s get to it! If you’re new, don’t be shy. Insult everyone mercilessly with the best of us. I’m only instigating one rule (please support me, editors!): NO FAMILY GUY. I will personally speak to Joe about getting your ass banned if you post anything related to Family Guy. [JOE NOTE: Backed. Also, Anime.]

The Good: This beer.


Cleverly entitled La Fin Du Monde (The End of the World), Quebec’s microbrewery, Unibroue, has just about perfected the art of beer. Triple fermented, sweet and fruity yet refined and sharp, and weighing in at a hefty 9%, La Fin Du Monde has become my staple beer. If you’re able to get hold of a bottle, I highly recommend it.

The Bad: Elections.

I understand my friends in the United States of America are currently prepping for an election, as are we in Canada. I would like everyone here to know that a key issue outlined by our current government in this election campaign is “Netflix Tax,” which goes to show what a joke modern politics are. Regardless of who you vote for, I think we can all agree anyone who bothers to run for election is a person you don’t really want to vote for, and probably wouldn’t like if you were to meet them for beers.

The Ugly: Okay, this isn’t really that ugly. But it’s creepy, and I want to see it.


Now it’s your turn, amigos. What did you love this week? What did you hate? What kind of horrifying bowel movements have you had? Let’s bullshit in the comments together.

Header image from “Calvin and Hobbes” by Bill Watterson. Middle image via.

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