The Most Innovative Guitarist In Metal Tournament: Round 2 (Pt.II)


Today we conclude voting on round two of our tournament where you help us decide which modern guitarist most deserves recognition for their boundary pushing creativity in metal.

Yesterday we commenced round two and began voting on the left hand side of the bracket, if you are yet to cast your votes you can head over now and catch up before we open the polls for the remaining second round matches below. Done? Good. Let’s look at the results from the right hand side of the bracket, where you’ll notice things weren’t nearly as evenly contested compared with other half of the tournament, with the exception of the Dave Muntean (Nucleus) vs Peter Hraur (Lör) match which came right down to the wire.

The Remaining 8 Seeds Revealed!

Now it’s time for you to listen in and cast your crucial votes to complete Round Two.

Dan Gargiulo (Artificial Brain | Revocation)

Sounds from the labyrinff constellation.

Mick Barr (Krallice |Encenathrakh)

Exquisite excursions into the extreme.

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Dave Muntean (Nucleus)

Illogium (Portal)

While there are a few guitarists in this mould who would fit the theme, not many have remained as consistently inventive.

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Shawn Hache (Mitochondrion | Auroch)

Would you rather fight 100 ribosome-sized mitochondrion or one mitochondrion-sized ribosome?

Vindsval (Blut Aus Nord)

Blunts. Ass. Norks.

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Nökkvi G. Gylfason (Zhrine | Svartidauði)

Creating those caustic compositions that Iceland has become renown for.

Fredrik Thordendal (Meshuggah | Fredrik Thordendal’s Special Defects)

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Tosin Abasi (Animals As Leaders | T.R.A.M. | Reflux)

Matt Hollenberg (Cleric | John Frum)

The spazz-jazz extraordinaire you probably don’t know but really fucking should.

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Kevin Hufnagel (Dysrhythmia | Gorguts | Sabbath Assembly | Vaura)

Possibly the most underappreciated modern guitarist in metal, ostensibly because no amount of praise would seem adequate.

Ska-Gul (Inferno)

With each release since Black Devotion, Inferno have progressed from mere occult-dabbling thematics into wild unearthly transcendence. Ska-Gul’s guitarwork is central to this transformation.

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Michael Hoggard (Ulcerate)

Every riff is fiyah.

Patrick Brown (Howls Of Ebb)

Ride the weirdest wave of death in the comp so far.

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Brendan Sloan (Convulsing | Dumbsaint)

Tireless dedication to his instrument. Insomnia and coffee helps with that I guess.


B.S.T (Aosoth | Temple Of Baal | VI | The Order Of Apollyon)

Multi-faceted French cut of pure onyx.

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