Blut Aus Nord Premiere “Paein”


This one should get just about everyone excited.

Blut Aus Nord‘s Memoria Vetusta series kicked off way back in 1996 with Fathers of the Icy Age and continued in 2009 with Dialogue with the Stars. Since then, fans have been waiting for the next chapter. You might remember Howard Dean foaming at the mouth over the album announcement, the very generous album teaser, and Necrolord’s killer art a few weeks back. There was so much mouth-foam… but its abundance was warranted.

Where did Howard Dean’s enthusiasm lead him, you ask? In a ravishing display of just what can happen when you follow your dreams and are handsome, he scored a promo copy of the new album from Debemur Morti, and is currently preparing an in-advance review for you all. So keep your eyes out for that and be more like him! In the meantime, here’s some new news and new music.

First, take a look at this shit:


Don’t you just really want all that? You can officially preorder a number of different packages (or all of the different packages) right here. Break out your Oreos or whatever they use for currency over there.

Lastly, and most importantly, you need to hear this new song they premiered yesterday. It’s the second song on the album, preluded only by “Prelude.”

There seems to be some sort of confusion on the matter, so I’ll use this song to help clear it up. This is good music.

Here (as somewhat expected in a continuation of the Memoria Vetusta saga) BAN have shelved some of their more avante-garde tendencies in order to focus purely on majestic-as-fuck black metal. In “Paein” we hear that clean-singing/chanting from the teaser in context and it sounds stellar. It’s also chock-full of proof that, even after 20 years, these guys are still writing the most memorable melodies in the genre.

Memoria Vetusta III: Saturnian Poetry will be released on October 10th. Who among you is excited? What did you think of this track?

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