
This Toilet Tuesday (3/19/24)


Our good boy Roldy is fighting a vicious case of cloaca inflammation this week, so it falls to me once again to inflict this week’s releases on you. And fortunately for you, there’s some pretty fuckin’ solid shit on the way- a solid no-wiper of a release week, if I do say so myself. Plenty of good stuff to be had, so share your picks with the class in the comments.

Hideous Divinity – Unextinct (Century Media Records) [Italian Men Going Fast]

You probably don’t need me to tell you how hard this is gonna rule, but come on, man. Look at that art! Drowned dead rising from the ocean in the middle of a storm with rats pouring out of its cloaking while munching on a guy on a ship? Fuck yes. I suppose the music is also important, and yes, it indeed slaps as hard as the cover art. This is a big step forward for Hideous Divinity, adding a depth and level of nuance to this particular subgenre of death metal that was sorely lacking before. It’s still hits like a sledgehammer, and the new twists and turns in the progression of the tunes are going to give it some staying power well beyond their already formidable output. -Spear

Scavenger – Beyond the Bells (No Remorse Records) [Heavy/Power Metal]

Seeing a “heavy metal” tag on No Remorse Records can be a roll of the dice; in this case, that roll came up boxcars. To keep it short, this fucking rules. The song in the link is some old-school speed metal with phenomenal riffing and this sick horror punk twist on the vocals that slots just perfectly in with the style. This is metal made for metalheads of all stripes; it riffs, it shreds, it wails, and it just plain rocks. -Spear

Aberration – Refracture (Sentient Ruin Laboratories) [Black/Death Metal]

Acathexis – Immerse (Amor Fati Productions) [Black Metal]

Achelous – Tower of High Sorcery (No Remorse Records) [Heavy Metal]

Adventus – Lo que trajo el viento (Maldito Records) [Melodic Heavy/Power Metal]

Alestorm – Voyage of the Dead Marauder (Napalm Records) [Folk/Power Metal]

Altar of Betelgeuze – Echoes (Independent) [Doom/Death/Stoner Metal]

Aneuma – Venom (Independent) [Melodic Death Metal/Metalcore]

Atrexial – The Serpent Abomination (Non Serviam Records) [Black/Death Metal]

Attic – Return of the Witchfinder (Ván Records) [Heavy Metal]

Bedrängnis – Verlorene Seelen und ihr Zerfall (Independent) [Black Metal]

Bodyfarm – Malicious Ecstasy (Edged Circle Productions) [Death Metal]

Chaos Luciferi – La dolcezza della tua innocenza (Rotting Sun Records) [Black Metal]

Civerous – Maze Envy (20 Buck Spin) [Black/Death Metal]

Cobra 1981 – Vol. 1 (Inverse Records) [Heavy Metal]

Critical Defiance – The Search Won’t Fall​.​.​. (Unspeakable Axe Records) [Thrash]

Daevar – Amber Eyes (TLD Records) [Stoner/Doom Metal]

Deception – Daenacteh (Mighty Music) [Melodic Death Metal]

Devastatiön – Rise of the Dead (Empire Records) [Black Thrash]

Digimortal – Белое знамя (Independent) [Industrial Metal/Rock (early); Melodic/Industrial Death Metal/Metalcore (later)]

Dödsrit – Nocturnal Will (Wolves of Hades) [Black Metal/Crust]

Fall of Serenity – Open Wide, O Hell (Lifeforce Records) [Melodic Death Metal]

Firn – Sternentor (Independent) [Pagan Black Metal]

Funeral Oration – Antropomorte (Avantgarde Music) [Death Metal (early); Black Metal (later)]

Furor Gallico – Future to Come (Scarlet Records) [Folk Metal]

Hamferð – Men Gu​ð​s hond er sterk (Metal Blade Records) [Melodic Doom/Death Metal]

Hammer King – König und Kaiser (Napalm Records) [Heavy/Power Metal]

Hashtronaut – No Return (Blues Funeral Recordings) [Stoner/Doom Metal]

Horresque – Chasms Pt. II – The Devouring Exorbitance (Supreme Chaos Records) [Blackened Death Metal]

Houkago Grind Time – Houkago Derek Time (Decibel) [I Implore You To Read This Track List]

Human Abyss – Death Obsessed (Independent) [Melodic Death/Black Metal]

Inner Sanctum – The Great Odd Ones (Independent) [Melodic Death Metal]

Iota – Pentasomnia (Small Stone Recordings) [Stoner/Sludge Metal]

Khold – Du dømmes til død (Soulseller Records) [Black Metal]

Khranial – Devoured by Pigs (Independent) [Black/Death Metal/Noise]

Leaves’ Eyes – Myths of Fate (AFM Records) [Symphonic Metal]

Lhaäd – Beneath (Amor Fati Productions) [Black Metal]

Mastiff – Deprecipice (MNRK Heavy) [Doom/Sludge Metal/Hardcore]

Nefarious Scorn – The Rogue of Satan (Narbentage Produktionen) [Raw Black Metal]

Nekomeshi(222) – Whistling Arrow (Black-listed Productions) [Melodic Death Metal]

Owlbear – Legends and Lore (Independent) [Heavy Metal]

PartyGrind – O Depois do Fim do Mundo (Independent) [Grindcore]

Perisynti – Lihaksi tullut Perkele (Schattenkult Produktionen) [Black Metal]

Questioning Reality – As Time Winds Down (Independent) [Progressive/Melodic Death Metal]

Questioning Reality – Glimpses of the 4th Dimension (Independent) [Progressive/Melodic Death Metal]

Regurgitated Entrails – Sickening Indulgence of Flesh (New Standard Elite) [Brutal Death Metal]

Sarcophagidae – Ejecutando al sacerdote (Al Azif) [Death Metal]

Sausage Wallet – Bad Habit (Independent) [Brutal Death Metal/Goregrind]

Sequestrum/Sněť – split (Extremely Rotten Productions) [Death Metal/Grindcore | Death Metal]

Severoth – Шляхом світла (Avantgarde Music) [Ambient/Atmospheric Black Metal]

Siegehammer – Spectral Entities (Independent) [Black/Death Metal]

Skulld – The Portal Is Open (World Eater Records) [Death Metal]

Stormhunter – Best Before: Death (MDD Records) [Power Metal]

Svrm – Є тільки смерть, є тільки тьма (Independent) [Atmospheric Black Metal]

The Bleak Picture – Meaningless (Ardua Music) [Melodic Death/Doom Metal]

The Fallen Divine – Atlas (Independent) [Progressive Black Metal]

The Lightbringer – Seven Thrones (Independent) [Melodic Power/Black Metal]

The Providence – Hillemon (Independent) [Heavy/Gothic Metal]

The Wizards – The Exit Garden (High Roller Records) [Heavy/Stoner/Doom Metal/Rock]

Thornbridge – Daydream Illusion (Massacre Records) [Power Metal]

Thvn – Zgnij (Independent) [Black/Death/Sludge Metal]

Toxic Carnage – Praying for Demise (Independent) [Thrash]

Unshine – Karn of Burnings (Rockshots Records) [Symphonic Metal]

Vermis Mortem – Stillborn Rebirth (Independent) [Black Metal]

Wormwitch/Sadistic Ritual – split (Boris/Prosthetic) [Black Metal/Crust | Blackened Thrash/Death Metal]

Wrang – Haatspraak (Dominance of Darkness Records) [Black Metal]

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