Celebrity Picks for Best Albums of 2014 Pt. 1 (Feat. Baring Teeth and Patrons of the Rotting Gate)


Although the writing staff here at Toilet ov Hell has impeccable taste, we wanted to offer y’all an outsider’s perspective on the best albums of 2014. So we reached out to some well-known celebrities. Unfortunately they wouldn’t return our calls or respond to our 200 emails (´・ω・`), so we had to turn to some metal musicians for input. Thankfully, the awesome dudes from Baring Teeth and Patrons of the Rotting Gate were more than happy to comply. Pay attention here, toileteers, because this is how year-end lists should look.

Scott Addison – Baring Teeth – Bass/Vocals

10. Plebeian GrandstandLowgazers10606042_10152268326221104_2591041312195621631_n

9. AbortedThe Necrotic Manifesto

8. Dead CongregationPromulgation of the Fall

7. MastodonOnce More ‘Round the Sun

6. Artificial Brain Labyrinth Constellation

5. Wild throneBlood Maker

4. Cannibal CorpseSkeletal Domain

3. YautjaSongs of Descent

2. Trap themBlissfucker

1. ThantifaxathSacred White Noise

Andrew Hawkins – Baring Teeth – Guitar/Vocals

10. Happy FamilyMinimal Gods10653859_10152268326276104_5084830901338685430_n

9. Hail Spirit NoirOi Magoi

8. AbortedThe Necrotic Manifesto

7. ThantifaxathSacred White Noise

6. YautjaSongs of Descent

5. MayhemEsoteric Warfare

4. Artificial BrainLabyrinth Constellation

3. Unconscious CollectivePleistocene Moon

2. The Body/Haxan Cloak I Shall Die Here

1. Dead CongregationPromulgation of the Fall

Andrew Millar – Patrons of the Rotting Gate – Everything

10. NightbringerEgo Dominus Tuus1398507_349017395244542_1649331981_o

9. Artificial BrainLabryinth Constellation

8. Blut Aus NordMemoria Vetusta III – Saturnian Poetry

7. Baring TeethGhost Chorus Among Old Ruins

6. SchammaschContradiction

5. Plebian GrandstandLowgazers -Kind of sounds like Celeste and Deathspell Omega put in a blender. The album cover looks like my logo so I feel like we’re in this together.

4. DisentombMisery – Unrelenting technical brutal death metal is always enjoyable, but this album has a replay value that I honestly wasn’t expecting. I haven’t enjoyed a BDM album this much since Defeated Sanity’s Chapters of Repugnance. An addictive mixture of slamz, chromatic riffs and Gorguts/Ulcerate-ish bendy dissonant sections.

3. ThantifaxathSacred White Noise – What I love about this album, other than the obvious technical proficiency and well written, songs is the atmosphere. On the surface the album is somewhat comparable to Dodecahedron’s S/T, but Sacred White Noise has a cold, hypnotic quality that kind of reminds me of Meshuggah’s Catch 33.

2. AbigorLeytmotif Luzifer – I’m embarrassed that this is the first Abigor album I’ve really checked out. Utterly ruthless and evil (oooo) sounding throughout. A highlight for me is the Fas-esque OTT lead guitar parts which jump in at seemingly random times. Probably my favourite vocal performance this year as well.

1. OrgoneThe Joyless Parson – It feels strange putting this in a 2014 list as a rough version has been floating around the internet (and my iPod) for a couple of years. Although very technical throughout, the main attraction is the extremely dense songwriting. Get into it.


Don’t forget to give our celebrities’ bands Facebook likes here and here.

(Photos VIA and VIA)

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