TMP: Moon Tooth, Spirit Adrift, Mustaine vidya, and More!


Once again, I failed to win an Emmy. Damn. Despite not getting recognition from my peers, I have brought you the news once again.

Aw yeah, Moon Tooth is hitting the road soon. They will probably be wrapping up new material by this point, so looking forward to hearing some new tunes.

Here’s a little more Cradle of Filth before the release on Friday. My safe word is candelabra.

  • Get another Spirit Adrift song over at Revolver.
  • Check out some tour dates with The Obsessed and Cobalt.
  • Amorphis re-signed with Nuclear Blast and announced a new album for next year.
  • Did I neglect to mention this Winterfylleth, Fen, and Wiegedood European tour? This is a good.
  • I might have gone to this Darkest Hour, Warbringer, and Exmortus tour if it wasn’t all on the west coastt.
  • August Burns Red premiered a new song.
  • Satyricon put a new song up on Spotify.
  • Fuck me. There’s a new Fozzy song called “Drinkin With Jesus”.
  • Scour, featuring Phil Anselmo and a bunch of other decently known people, posted a new song off their upcoming EP.
  • Uncle Acid And The Deadbeats remastered their debut.
  • Fuck me (part 2). Dave Mustaine is working on a video game. Also, what’s more metal than doing an interview with the New York Stock Exchange?
  • Here’s yet another video that uses disaster stock footage. It’s by Moonspell.
  • Skagos might not be a band anymore, I don’t have a source for that.

I’m sure there’s more out there. What did I miss?

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