TMP: Tribulation, Gatecreeper, He Whose Ox is Gored, and More!


The Monday Press newsroom is ready for the Olympic weeks. While we don’t have anything particularly sassy or cynical to say about the events (I actually like watching dumb sports every few years), we were able to tear our eyes away from a six hour bike race to bring you some metal (and some less metal) news.

 Tribulation, Youth Code, and Horrendous are hitting the road soon.


Red Fang is headlining a US tour with Torche and Whores. In case you don’t have a microscope, here are the dates.

Red Fang

I can let go of any fears I had about not liking the next Alcest album, because this song is unreal (harsh vocals again?!?!). Look for Kodama September 30.

My boys The Dear Hunter released a new song off Act V that I am also very excited about. That will be out September 9.

Death Metal group Gatecreeper (we aired a song of theirs on a recent episode of the podcast) released a new song. Also, they are supporting that Skeletonwitch tour I mentioned a few weeks ago.

Spear mentioned a new album from the atmospheric brutal death metal band Mithras on Thursday, but now they actually have a song to listen to.

Of course there’s a new Devin Townsend Project song. Based on this track, I may like this a lot more than some of the last few albums.


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