Toilet ov Hell Best of 2014: The Spotify Playlist


If you are anything like me, you saw all the EOTY lists and recognized about half of the bands, could pronounce about a third of them, and listened to almost none of them. Lucky four you, the Toilet ov Hell compiled nearly all of them in one place!

Of course, not all of albums we loved this year are available on Spotify, so be sure to revisit the original lists here, here, here, herehere  and here to hunt down those lesser distributed albums. For example, I am sure many of you can guess which contributor’s EOTY list is least represented on such a mainstream platform.

Unless you have a spare 80 hours, I recommend following our playlist and listening on shuffle. The variety here is unmatched, and it is a tremendous amount of fun chilling out with Sea Oleena, partying with Destrage, shredding with Abysmal Dawn, then slaying posers with Twilight Force back to back.

Unfortunately, the embedded playlist maxed out at 200 songs, so if you want more than just this sample, find our playlist : Toilet ov Hell Best of 2014.

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