Toilet ov Hell Radio Ep. 16: WE’RE $ELLING OUT!!!!


On this episode, Joe and Randall wanna get fuckin’ PAID, SON. We’re talkin’ bout Name-Your-Own-Price Bandcamp albums, Pokemon GO, super detuned guitars, and trying to get some sweet sponsorship $$$$$$. This week we’re jamming jams from Mohicans, Frozen Forest, Temple Nightside, REMOTE, and Envoys.

Music featured on this program:

Mohicans – “Canyon” from Mohicans 12″ EP (Facebook)(Bandcamp)
Frozen Forest – “Evil Metal” from Ancient Ritual (Facebook)(Bandcamp)
Temple Nightside – “Fortress of Burden and Distress” from their upcoming LP The Hecatomb (Iron Bonehead)(Facebook)(Bandcamp)
REMOTE – “Landscrap” from Resilient (Facebook)(Bandcamp)
Envoys – “Strange Attractor” from Bliss (Facebook)(Bandcamp)

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