Toilet Radio 203: Jeremy Renner Fuckswing


With the revelation that Jeremy Renner, among many other minor celebrities, has a vanity app, we went down a dark hole of celebrities trying to start music careers. We’re covering: Jeremy Renner’s solo project, Jada Pinkett Smith’s Ozzfest acclaimed nü metal band Wicked Wisdom, the band Keanu Reeves had that inflicted Weezer on an unsuspecting nation, Johnny Depp occasionally shitting on a guitar in between modeling bracelets, Jared Leto’s shockingly successful band 30 Seconds to Mars, Bruce Willis using The Temptations as his background band with the results being, “Surprisingly okay,” wanting punani with Steven Seagall, 30 Odd Foot of Grunt *cue drunken Australian ranting*, and Frankie Muniz slamming those sweet skins. Along the way we talk The Matrix video games, starting a pit ironically, DIY BDSM, Bill & Ted 3, and the realization that most movies are bad.

Music featured on this show:
You really don’t want any of this shit

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