Toilet Radio 296 – Moneymaking Schemes for Ecocidal Teens


Things we’re talking about this week: Jimmy Pesto is being hunted by the FBI / You can purchase an executive producer spot on Jamey Jasta’s latest solo record “And Jasta For All” / Gene Simmons has his own Wolf Cola with “MoneyBag Soda” / Tom Morello roasted a rando online so hard we all forgot that he’s buddies with Ted Nugent / We got a press release from September Morning’s Emily Lazar promising the first heavy metal NFT art offering. Let’s dive into the completely blood-drenched world of NFTs and cryptocurrency pyramid schemes currently making our world even worse. / Sully Erna comes in right at the finish line with some COVID denialism that felt fresh and unique 10 months ago. Better luck next pandemic, Sully!

Music featured on this episode:
Steel Bearing HandCommand of the Infernal Exarch

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