
Toilet Radio 465 – Retirement Money


THIS WEEK ON TOILET RADIO: We’re talking about Damien Rugna’s latest film, When Evil Lurks. Oh, and Municipal Waste, as a concept, is old enough to drink which is fucked up. But mostly we’re talking about Sharon Osbourne’s terrible, racist disco song from the 70s, fleecing Ozzfest participants with pay-to-play schemes, and the bizarre contention that skimming a little cream off the top isn’t “enough to retire from”. This plays into Kerry King refusing to settle down, Slipknot’s decision to fire Jay Weinberg because they’re not, “making Taylor Swift money”, or GWAR’s guitarist leaving because there’s money coming in but it’s not going to the players. As always, let’s get extremely cynical. It’s a good one.

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Music featured on this ‘sode:
dread risks – Extinction Form

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