Toilet Radio Explores the Rantings of Madmen


On this episode of Toilet Radio, your boys are going down a series of bizarre holes by reading the deranged tirades of clearly unstable people. Join us as we explore the unhinged prose of a Chilean black metal band. Laugh along as we poke and prod the overtly sexual overtones of a nerdy prog band. And mostly, shake your head in secondhand embarrassment at the self-satisfied opinion pieces of Krieg frontman Neill Jameson. We’re exploring his latest HOT TAKES on band promotion, Sacred Son‘s album artwork, as well as his face-palmingly stupid split with Satanic Warmaster. OH, also Joe went and saw Darron Arenofsky’s Mother! and he has strong opinions about it. It’s an episode!

Music featured on this episode:
Satan’s Hallow – “The Horror” from Satan’s Hallow (Facebook)(Bandcamp)

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