Toilet Radio Talks Godawful Movies with Crowhurst


FELLAS, how many y’all like bad movies? How many y’all get down with The Room? Cool, cool. How many y’all have seen every movie Hulk Hogan has ever starred in? I see you. Now how many y’all wanna talk about “holocaust comedies” like The Day the Clown Cried and Jakob The Liar? We’re going there on this dynamite episode of Toilet Radio. Join as Joe and 365 Days of Horror talk with Jay Gambit of Crowhurst about starting a noise band and moving to Philly, drinking exotic alco-pops, the best and worst pizza in Los Angeles, and an extended conversation about the worst movies ever made. Terrance Malick is put on blast. Everything is Terrible is worshipped. Wrestling is discussed in earnest. You have been warned. If you’ve ever wondered what kind of madness fuels the noise machine that is Crowhurst, this episode is for you.

Music featured on this episode:
Crowhurst – “Fractured Lung” from II (Facebook)(Bandcamp)
Country Death – “Worst Thing” from Anna’s Opera (Bandcamp)

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