Track Premiere: Kavrila – “Lungs”

Ferocious sludge from Germany. Kick ass, hell!
I prefer to avoid reading press release copy because band descriptions tend to be dull boilerplate. Not so with Germany’s Kavrila. For some reason, they’re described as, “The hairy ass that jumps on your face while you’re drinking your morning tea.” I dunno what that means, but it’s fucken tight. Furthermore, “Hamburgers bolt out of your speakers like a steam hammer on speed, dig out your front yard with a shovel and dump black earth from a graveyard on top of your growing tulips.” Hell yes.
“Lungs” is like an incontinent dog that is trustworthy but also a bloodthirsty savage, never quite obeying your commands to play dead and instead driving a monster truck through an Aldi parking lot, only stopping for smokes along the way. Broken down Buicks weep in his destructive path and flattened shopping carts litter the darkened asphalt. What I’m trying to say, is that it is good.
“Lungs” is great but all too brief, which is why I highly recommend immediately following up “Lungs” with the next track on Blight, “Abandon”. This is one of those records that leaves me craving more and it feels like a terrible shame that I can’t share more of this record with you immediately. Fortunately you won’t have to wait too long, Blight drops on August 4th.
Check out Kavrila on Facebook to stay up to date with the band and pick up a physical copy.