Why Bother with Deathspell Omega When These Bands Exist


ALL these Excellent Genre-bending Examples Defy you to keep Playing Everyday DsO shit. Some Undermentioned gems are Perfectly Positioned to Ostensibly Render The french band’s Somewhat Overhyped Music Extinct, Or Not Esoteric Enough to Laud as Singularly Essential. Flick through a Few of these Stunners.

Awe – Providentia [2015]

Ars Magna Umbrae – Lunar Ascension [2018]

Biesy – Noc lekkich obyczajów [2017]

Ad Nauseum – Nihil Quam Vacuitas Ordinatum Est [2015]

Dodecahedron – Dodecahedron [2015]

Chaos Echœs – Mouvement [2018]

Thantifaxath – Sacred White Noise [2014]

LornArrayed Claws [2017]

Entheogen – Without Veil, Nor Self [2017]

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