Monthly Archives: March 2016
Some things just seem made for each other. Black metal and Winter. Thrash and beer. Doom and weed. Bacon and ...
A trendy looking guitar player during a heavy guitar solo selective focus on the musicians left hand photo
Ahhhhh, Friday. How we have longed for thine gentle caress upon the loins of our freedom. Join me, friends and lurkers ...
Are Abyssal too accessible? Svartidauđi too upbeat? Deathspell Omega too mainstream? Try Skáphe.
Listen to a new track from the long-awaited The Great Destroyer by Swedish grindcore warriors Gadget.
Empty Vessels is a noisy band that plays sludgy hardcore with unmistakable weird kid charm. Right at the tail end of ...
Want to record that perfect take? Write the riff to crush all genitalia? Get that perfect drum tone? Need album ...
On their first non-collaborative album since 2013, No One Deserves Happiness, The Body set out to create the grossest pop ...
Purple alien? Check. Weird amoeba-tree hand? Check. Organic headphones? Check. Things are about to get weird.