Monthly Archives: October 2017
It’s Friday afternoon and I’m winding down the work week with the new Wolfenstein game.
Like dumpster diving, but digital.
Bay Area style thrash by way of Bangladesh you’re bound to love.
Chris from Execration joins us this week on the Friday Guest List to discuss their new album, touring, and all ...
Hot damn it’s basically November. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA [Editor’s Note: What the fuck?] to some Gnaw, Devangelic, All Pigs Must Die, Korrupt, Siberian Meat Grinder, Buried and Gone, Mist ...
We’ve got a weird, sludgy mess coming out of the toilet. Anyone know a good plumber?
The much ballyhooed film has finally gotten a wide release, but is it really worth watching?
When all the slams are gone, what is left? Obastra actually have an answer to that question. Weird.
Remember when pixels were scarier than the economic debacle of an oil exporter country? I do! And these four retro ...
In 1942, students at the University of Munich, with the help of their professor, started an anti-Nazi resistance movement called ...