Flush it Friday: Owls of Eastern Dankness


I can’t remember if I heard about the Blakiston’s Fish Owl through a best of 2020 books article or a late-night Wikipedia spiral, but these are some chonky boiz, with wingspans ranging up to over 6’6”. (That’s a big birb.) After a weeks-long Amazon delivery debacle (wasn’t me ordered it from Amazon, don’t @ me), I’ve finally received my copy of Owls of the Eastern Ice, and I’m beyond stoked to learn more about this amazing (and, as is to be expected, highly endangered) species from the far east of Russia (and ranging into Japan). Also, what band is the author from LUL?

Some B I G chonkers for your enjoyment:

Speaking of chonkers, we had some good-ass articles this week. Peruse below:

Jimmy McNulty continued his torrid affair with Colosso:

Toilet Exclusive Premiere: Colosso – Despised

Spear continued the spicy stream of premieres with a 10+ minute weebprog epic (it rules):

Premiere: The Lylat Continuum – “Epyon”

Tha Boiz used their Toilet Radio spot this week to highlight ’90s/early aughts club bangers:

Toilet Radio 284 – De Mysteriis Dom 80s Powerus Metallus

Sean Ghoulson slam-dunked this review of Focal Dystonia:

Review: Focal Dystonia – Descending (in)human Flesh

G/B/Us below. Also, let me know if you’ve learned anything neat recently!


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