Track Premiere: Algebra – Chiroptera


Na na na na na na na na BAT THRASH.

In a recent post, Belarus Beaver introduced us to the concept of beavers taking over the world. Swiss thrashers Algebra envision a different end for mankind. In the title track of their upcoming third full-length Chiroptera, the eponymous fauna rise up (and then swoop down) to push homo sapiens over the brink of extinction before the destruction of the planet is complete.

In presenting us with this leather-winged apocalypse, Algebra prove to be quite adept killers themselves, smartly and subtly utilising elements of both crossover and tech thrash. After the slow ascent that is the intro, the song mercilessly hones in on its target with everything at its disposal. Sharp riffs grip you like claws, the guitar solo in the last third bears its needle teeth, gang shouts remind you of the enemies’ sheer numbers, and the breakdown slaps you around like gigantic wings.

“This album was inspired by the increase in worldwide insanity. The degradation in general mental health was clearly noticeable these last years. It was apparent through ex-friends that went berserk, our own personal struggles, as well as the polarization and extremism building up around the globe. During all the lockdowns and recent uncertainty about the future, we felt like sharing our thoughts on the unsustainable nature of our modern lives, which are clearly starting to crumble.

The title track, Chiroptera, was named after the album’s artwork by Adam Burke. He created this piece at the start of the Covid pandemic. For us, it perfectly represented the period during which the songs were written and the wrath that humanity was responsible in creating for itself.”

Chriroptera will descend on September 19th and can be pre-ordered now from your one-stop shop for quality thrash, Unspeakable Axe Records.

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