This Toilet Tuesday (4/25/17)


Welcome once more to This Toilet Tuesday! We’ve dived head-first into the dung pile yet again to salvage the undigested nuggets and separate them from the flushables just for you. This week we’re taking a look at new releases from Emphasis, Cavemaster, Bottom, Condor, and Ghost Bath. And yes, we washed our hands.

Emphasis – Black​.​Mother​.​Earth (Geenger Records) [Post-Metal]
Listen to “Muna,” “Iam”

A post-metal band with “earth” in their album title? You betcha I’m on it. Their Bandcamp link includes a video for the first two tracks, so I figured I’d watch it rather than just listen, and I’m glad I did, because it adds to the atmosphere. Right off the bat the music and video set a Solstafir sort of vibe, ala “Fjara.” The tracks start off with a typical post-metal-y intro. It’s pretty enough, but then a choir of female vocalists comes in, singing I’m assuming in Croatian, and then it just gets ethereal. Meanwhile in the video, a pretty young woman is wandering around the wilderness (again I’m assuming in Croatia), while elsewhere a guy/forest spirit is frolicking in the woods in his underwear doing the sorts of things I like to do in the woods. By midway though, the female vocals drop off and you’ve got the post-metal-y riff keeping you entranced. Then 2/3rds of the way through you get a deep howling male voice (the forest spirit/underwear guy?) that comes in, this time in English, sounding a bit like the voice of the Nidstang in Agalloch’s “Black Lake Nidstang.” Pretty young woman and forest spirit then meet around a campfire. He does what everyone should do around a campfire: dance in their underwear. As the song climaxes, he leaves his forest spirit mask behind, she puts it on, and then whatever happens to her is up to the viewer’s interpretation I guess. This was worth the couple of listens I gave it. Post-metal might not be an accurate descriptor. We might be looking at the birth of post-trees ‘n shit. FFO: Solstafir, Agalloch, dancing around a fire in your underwear. 4/28/17 (Pagliacci is Kvlt)

Cavemaster – Sob o Abismo do Infinito (Fatsound Productions) [Black Metal]

With a name like Cavemaster, you might assume this is a dungeon synth artist, or you might also guess that they play old school traditional heavy metal by looking on their logo, but either way you’d be wrong, because as it turns out, Portugal’s Cavemaster plays good, straight-up black metal with a real doomy vibe throughout. I won’t embarrass myself by trying to pull an old school black metal reference out of thin air and coming up with something woefully pedestrian, so I’ll just say that Cavemaster’s name is actually a pretty apt one. I mentioned dungeon synth earlier, because the name sounds like something meant to accompany a D&D game, and although this isn’t an ambient album, Sob o Abisomo is not without ambiance. Beyond the appropriately raw sound and production, there are some synths thrown in to add to the mood. Don’t worry, though, it’s nothing too overpowering, and it’s just “spooky synth” rather than MIDI approximations of trumpets or anything remotely symphonic. It does really feel like the soundtrack to being lost in a dark cave beneath a ruined castle, though, and if it wouldn’t make everyone else at the table hate me, I would absolutely play this at a D&D game, for what it’s worth. 4/29/17 (DumpsterLung)

Bottom – Psychofilia (Deformeathing Production) [Deathgrind]
Listen to “Ołtarze Zbrodni,” “Poliprawda

Now here’s a band whose name really doesn’t give any kind of impression of what their music may sound like. This time it’s grindcore from Poland, and it’s great stuff! I’d never heard these guys before, but apparently they’ve been around since 1995, although they didn’t put out a full-length until 2011. I’ve only heard one song from Psychofilia, but I was able to get acquainted with their older material, and judging by the sound of the new song, I expect Psychofilia will be much of the same for Bottom, which is to say, it ought to be very well-executed, particularly riffy grind that’s a ton of fun, and also quite varied. I don’t know my grind too well, aside from some obvious names, as I’ve only really gotten into it the last couple of years, but had I heard a band like Bottom years ago I’d have certainly started far earlier. There’s a variety of riffing and vocal styles within each song, ranging from very death-metal-oriented, to nearly straight hardcore. I suppose that’s not uncommon for the genre, but Bottom seems to make each of those pieces stand out from one another really well, which definitely lends some extra catchiness, on top of just keeping things interesting. Bottom-line (wink-wink), these guys are making some excellent grind, and Psychofilia was an instant add to my Bandcamp wishlist. I liked their music so much, I nearly forgot to poke fun at their name (get it, “poke?”)! I’ve gone on far too long already (as usual) though, so I’ll leave that to the comments section. 4/28/17 (DumpsterLung)

Condor – Unstoppable Power (High Roller Records) [Black Thrash]
Listen to “Riders of Violence”

Alright, this one will be brief, not only because I’m trying to be better about that in general, but also because there’s simply not a lot to say about blackened thrash that hasn’t already been said. Condor is real good at what they do though, and what they do is thrash. Where other bands might be more concerned with the black metal aesthetics or adopt a mid-paced, Motörhead-ish tempo, Condor doesn’t ever seem to take their foot off the gas, opting for something that, at first impression anyway, makes me think of the fastest bits from Slayer’s Show No Mercy with raspier vocals. They’re not reinventing the wheel, but they’re making a damn fine one, so give this one a listen and crack open a beer or drive too fast on the interstate (just not at the same time). 4/28/17 (DumpsterLung)

Ghost Bath – Starmourner (Nuclear Blast Records) [Depressive Black Metal]
Listen to “Thrones,” “Ambrosial”

With Starmourner, Ghost Bath continues their successful run of making the best un-trve, sad-guy black metal inspired music around. This record is dripping with earnest guitar melodies, breakneck drumming, and comically unpleasant shrieking wails. Call it them a Deafheaven clone all you want, but you’d be underselling their level of blatant post-hardcore influence and absolute daring to commit to cute aesthetics when the song calls for them.

All due praise aside, I think it’s crucial to be critical of the behavior of artists, even of those that we admire. Ghost Bath pulled a stunt that might be worth forgiving, but should never be forgotten. We get it, guys, you wanted to stand out from the crowd and be daring, but it is never, EVER acceptable… to put a fucking WINDCHIME ROLL in your song. I don’t care if Rush did it, I don’t care if Kate Bush did it – it’s 2017 now and if you finish an album with a corny-ass piano ballad and choose put a goddamn windchime glissando in it (especially that high in the mix), you’re really no better than the fucking Doobie Brothers. Shame on you, Ghost Bath.  >:( 4/21/17 (HessianHunter)

Abomnium – A Hollow Path (UKEM Records) [Black Metal]
Listen to “Ignis Fatuus”

Aborted Fetus – The Art of Violent Torture (Comatose Music) [Brutal Death Metal]
Listen to “Blinded by the Flame”

All That Remains – Madness (Razor & Tie) [Mangincore]
Listen to “Safe House,” “Madness”

Aphasia – Ever-lasting Blue (Bit Organization) [Heavy Metal]

Ayreon – The Source (Music Theories Recordings) [Power Prog]
Listen to “The Day That the World Breaks Down,” “Everybody Dies”

Barathrum – Fanatiko (Saturnal Records) [Black Metal]
Listen to “Hellspawn”

Cadaver Disposal – Transformatio Mundi (Nihilistic Empire Records) [Death Metal]
Listen to “Congregation”

Cariosus – Saturnine Depths (Independent) [Melodeath]
Listen to “Integration of the Shadow”

Corpus Christii – Delusion (Folter Records) [Black Metal]
Listen to “Become the Wolf”

Crippled Beggar – Death Is The Tarn, And I’m The Conduit (Independent) [Hideous Grind]
Listen to “K-Hole,” “Dead Women Crossing”

Critical Solution – Barbara the Witch (Crime Records) [Thrash]
Listen to “Barbara the Witch”

Cult of Eibon – Lycan Twilight Sorcery (Iron Bonehead Productions) [Black Metal]
Listen to “The Dweller of the Woods”

Cursus – Cursus (Artificial Head Records) [Sludge/Doom]
Listen to “The Guardian”

Disfigured Human Mind – Abominações Cadavericas no Degredo (Independent) [Grindcore]

Duel – Witchbanger (Heavy Psych Sounds) [Doom]

Elephant Bell – Gates of Dawn (Argonauta Records) [Doom]
Listen to “Come To See The Show”

Evoke Thy Lords – Lifestories (Solitude Productions) [Death/Doom]
Listen to “Still Old”

Firespawn – The Reprobate (Century Media Records) [Death Metal]
Listen to “Blood Eagle,” “Death By Impalement,” “Serpent of the Ocean”

Fumigation/The Path to R’lyeh – Invasion (split- CDN Records) [Death Metal]

The Hallowed Catharsis – Solar Cremation (Independent) [Progressive Death Metal]
Listen to “Jabberwocky”

Harpyie – Anima (Metalville/Rough Trade) [Folk Metal]
Listen to “Berserker”

Havukruunu – Kelle surut soi (Naturmacht Productions) [Black Metal]
Listen to “Vainovalkeat,” “Myrskynkutsuja”

Helsótt – The Healer (M-Theory) [Folk Metal]
Listen to “The Healer”

Hellstorm’s Hell on Earth/Deathinition/Sanctifyre/Weaponlord – Masters of Metal: Vol. 3 (Tribunal Records) [Heavy/Power Metal]

Hideous Divinity – Adveniens (Unique Leader Records) [Brutal/Tech Death]
Listen to “Ages Die,” “Angel of Revolution”

Ibéria – Much Higher than a Hope (Raising Legends) [Heavy Metal]

Jonne – Kallohonka (Playground Music) [Folk]

Karat – Elegi (Portal Music) [Metalcore]
Listen to “Elegi”

Life of Agony – A Place Where There’s No More Pain (Napalm Records) [Alt Metal/Hard Rock]
Listen to “A Place Where There’s No More Pain,” “World Gone Mad”

Looking for an Answer – Dios carne (Willowtip Records) [Deathgrind]

Mammoth Mammoth – Mount the Mountain (Napalm Records) [Stoner Metal]
Listen to “Spellbound”

Martyrdoom – Grievous Psychosis (Memento Mori) [Death/Doom]
Listen to “Bloody Incarnations”

Masachist – The Sect (Death REALigion) (Witching Hour Productions) [Death Metal]
Listen to “Selected for Execution”

Mevil Nekrotica – Asylum Fear (Soundage Productions) [Black Metal]

MindMaze – Resolve (Inner Wound Recordings) [Power Metal]
Listen to “Sign of Life,” “One More Moment”

Mongol – Warrior Spirit (Independent) [Folk Metal]
Listen to “River Child”

Morbid Flesh – Rites of the Mangled (Unholy Prophecies) [Death Metal]

Morte Incandescente/Illum Adora – Remnants of a Flaming Past (split- War Arts Productions) [Black Metal]

Mythra – Still Burning (High Roller Records) [Heavy Metal]
Listen to “Still Burning”

Noumena – Myrrys (Haunted Zoo Productions) [Melodeath]
Listen to “Metsän viha”

Nunslaughter/Sloth – Nunslaughter/Sloth (split- Hells Headbangers) [Black Metal/Punk/Noise]

Prayers of Sanity – Face of the Unknown (Rastilho Records) [Thrash]
Listen to “Face of the Unknown”

Prometheus – Consumed in Flames (Katoptron IX) [Black/Death Metal]
Definitely not Exhumed’s “Limb From Limb”

Pyramaze – Contingent (Inner Wound Recordings) [Power Metal]
Listen to “A World Divided”

Resist the Ocean – Heart of the Oak (Bleeding Nose Records) [Metalcore]
Listen to “Heart of the Oak”

Ruin – Drown in Blood (Memento Mori) [Death Metal]

Sarcasm – Within the Sphere of Ethereal Minds (Dark Descent Records) [Death Metal]
Listen to “In the Grip of Awakening Times”

Seide – Beyond the Fallacy (M&O Music) [Black Metal]

Shadow of Intent – Reclaimer (Independent) [Tech Deathcore]

Skyclad – Forward into the Past (Listenable Records) [Folk(ish?) Metal]
Listen to “Change Is Coming”

Soulrot – Nameless Hideous Manifestations (Memento Mori) [Death Metal]

Sovereign – Spirit Warfare: Demo MMXVII (Folkvangr Records) [Black Metal]
Listen to “Hammer of Fevered Lights”

Steeldriver – The Last of the Dragon – 幻惑の誓い – (Independent) [Power Metal]
Listen to “Freedom Star”

Until Rain – Inure (Sensory Records) [Prog Metal]
Listen to “Progressus In Idem”

Vandroya – Beyond the Human Mind (Inner Wound Recordings) [Power Prog]
Listen to “I’m Alive,” “The Path to the Endless Fall”

Veldes – The Bitterness Prophecy (Razed Soul Productions) [Atmospheric Black Metal]
Listen to “The Bitterness Prophecy”

Vita Imana – El M4L (Independent) [Death/Groove Metal]
Listen to “Mi Camina”

Wolfpakk – Wolves Reign (AFM Records) [Heavy Metal]
Listen to “Blood Brothers”

Did we forget a new release? Is there a way we could improve this list? Let us know in the comments below!

(Images VIA, VIA, VIA, VIA, VIA)

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