Win Five Toilet ov Hell Cassette Compilations


Do you wanna win five of the siqqqqest cassettes compilations created in the last 25 years? Get in here to learn more.

You may or may not be aware that Toilet ov Hell has a Patreon. Every month I create and deliver sweet subscriber-only swag like exclusive podcast episodes, digital playlists, and the Cadillac of TovH Patreon rewards: hand-dubbed cassette tapes featuring the coolest and most obscure metal tracks I can dig up. If you’d like to start getting these sweet goodies, just head over to our Patreon page and pledge some dough. You’ll get rewards each and every month. But if you want the first five months of cassettes, there’s only one way to get them. You’ve gotta win this contest.

One lucky winner will get five sweet cassette compilations AND a Toilet ov Hell t-shirt! 

How do you win? I’m glad you asked, friend. It’s very simple. You need to answer three (3) questions and then submit those answers to me at

Question 1: On last week’s episode of the Toilet ov Hell podcast, we played some of our favorite tracks of 2017. We also recounted some of our biggest accomplishments. What was our biggest accomplishment?

Question 2: On this week’s episode of the Toilet ov Hell podcast (publishing tomorrow morning at 9 AM!), what band convinced our guest’s mom that he finally made it?

Question 3: What is your favorite episode of the Toilet ov Hell podcast?

Send your answers to with the subject line “GIVE ME TAPES, PLZ”. All correct entries will be put into a fish bowl and the winner will be selected randomly.

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