RIPPIN’ PREMIERE: Sathanas – “Witchcult”


With a name like Sathanas it’s gotta be good.

Transcending Obscurity is on a gravy train with biscuit wheels. Right now you’re experiencing an unprecedented, Greg Louganis-esque level of domination among metal labels. Almost every album on their radar is a stone-cold killer, so when a new TO release pops up in our inbox we like to shut up and listen.

Which brings us to Necrohymns, the TENTH(!) full-length from Pennsylvania power trio Sathanas. Despite forming 30 years ago and tirelessly churning out quality releases, Sathanas has gone mostly under-the-radar. One listen to “Witchcult” ought to change that. Despite being old enough to have banged your mother back in the day, this band writes and performs with more urgency than most goofy young thrash revivalists. On display here is black thrash with more grit and heft than a sandpaper covered bowling ball. Paul Tucker’s fiery guitar leads and anguished rasp fit like a spiked glove atop the death-metal influenced low-end. Behold, the “Witchcult” below.


Follow Sathanas on Facebook and then stab this link to check out two additional tracks and preorder Necrohymns.

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