Riff Of The Week: Crushing Edition


Vote for which of these riffs squashes your shit.

Last week we vege’d the fuck out for our Plant Edition of RotW. Voting between Boris and Replicant was quite close all week until a late surge from 1914 got them ahead and they never looked back. Our regular binarybro Positronic queried as to why that album hadn’t had a review on the TovH as yet, and the simple answer is because nobody wrote one. This has always been a community-funded site; in that we don’t have advertisements, so our content is fueled by donations of time. If you want to review something, shoot us an email/draft and provided you can English rill gud-like, we’ll probably publish it.

This week I asked for CRUSHING riffs. Here’s what you sent in…

Quo Vadis – ‘Hunter/Killer’ (Riff @ 0:27)

Arguably one of the best Tech Death bands to hail from Quebec. The riff at 0:28 repeats several times and builds throughout the song.
But it’s during the outro at 4:25 where the entire bands stops and starts on a dime and just CRUSHES it.
This song blew my then 14 year-old mind.

Nero Di Marte – ‘L’eclisse’ (Riff @ 6:22)

A moody post-rock build up transitions into beautifully dissonant guitars with a ferocious bass and drum foundation. A crusher, indeed.

Howard Dean
Teitanblood – “Sanctified Dysecdysis” (Riff @ 6:36)

This is one of the heaviest tracks in existence and this break/riff is a world destroyer. This thing can trigger pyroclastic flows if positioned near faults and active hotspots. This is as crushing as it gets, dudes and gentleladies. Enjoy responsibly

Opium Trance – ‘Obsidian Trance Visions’ (Riff @ 0:00)

Kinda forgot to think of a riff for this week, but I’m listening to this right now and it’s pretty damn fitting. Dense dismal drug-drenched death/doom dissolution.

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Next week I wanna hear some riffs that either took you a while to get over, or helped you get over something.
Guess the theme is bump(s) or something? I dunno, be creative. Anyone can enter.
Submission details below.

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