Premiere: Laetitia in Holocaust – “Diva Fortuna”


Italian black metal to sip espresso and blot out the sun to.

Laetitia in Holocaust began life more that 15 years ago as a duo that trafficked in difficult, avant garde strains of black metal. Their 2009 full-length debut The Tortoise Boat was extremely poorly received at the time for it’s unpredictable clean guitar leads and constantly shifting pace. In the years since, the band has reigned in their wilder impulses and instead focused on tighter compositions that live in the same charred vein as bands like Kriegsmaschine.

“Diva Fortuna”, the opening track from their upcoming third LP Fauci tra Fauci, is a ripping start the duo’s apocalypse-obsessed journey. The guitar careens through a frenetic melody, buoyed by a technical drum barrage and a booming fretless bass that further differentiates this pair from the crowd. “Diva Fortuna” batters and abates before coming to an an abrupt pause and diving into a fiery, barreling crescendo. With each play of this record I become more and more impressed by the technicality, unique flourishes, and constantly engaging songwriting. But don’t just take my word for it, check it out for yourself below. 

Fauci Tra Fauci drops March 31st on Third I Rex. Pre-order it on Bandcamp right now.

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