Flush it Friday: Not Now, Gamin’


I’ve got a solid week of gaming to do before I start a new job.

My Nintendo Switch keeps giving me classic NES games and I reckon I’m just gonna keep playing these motherfuckers. I’m halfway through Mario 3, a game I realized I never actually played through as a child because I cheated with that dang flute every time. Now is the time to put away childish things and play as it was meant to be played. With a save state function that keeps me alive through a few hard as hell levels. What are you playing? Oh, and let’s look at the highlights of the week.

Pat and Kit went through half of our best death metal records of the decade on this week’s show. Join them for part 2 next week.

Riff-Raff Podcast: Top 10 Death Metal Albums Of The Decade Special Edition (Part One)

Hot Link made his triumphant return to interview Daughter Chaos, the next act from Armageddon.

An Interview With Daughter Chaos: Building a New Armageddon

We got a whole bundle of underground demos that you need to listen to.

Catacomb Ventures – Weltering in Burning Filth

Toilet Radio watched The Decline of Western Civilization Part 1 and also got real mad at the reformed As I Lay Dying (and Nuclear Blast’s dumbasses).

Toilet Radio 195: The Decline of Toilet Civilization

The Conductor sat down with Dallian, a nice crew of Portuguese steampunkers.

A Lullaby for the Wicked – An Interview With Dallian

I gotta run, be good!

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