Flush it Friday: WHAT THE h*qq DO YOU WANT?


My mind is an utter vacuum as I wait for FedEx to deliver my new phone (my last upgrade was half a decade ago, and it is now held together by congealed owl pellets and bone fragments). Due to my utter lack of thoughts, I am relying on YOU, the best community on the innernette, to carry the content by offering more than just a G/B/U in the comments. As the hellyear approaches its terminal month, let us look forward to 2021, however naive this will almost certainly prove to be. What do you want more of in metal music next year? What do you want less of? Let me go first: more C L I N K S. Less Nazis. More Cormorant please get back together it’s been 4 years since Diaspora I am losing the will please do it for a fellow avian I am beg. Less vapid 10+ minute black metal songs with no memorable moments.


Hans took a gander at Iskandr:

Haeresis Noviomagi Pt 3: Iskandr – Euprosopon & Gelderse Poort

OLD-SCHOOL BOI IAN spoke to an absolute legend on this special episode of Toilet Radio:

Toilet Radio 275 – The Doro Interview

BMP and the community came together ( ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ) to create beautiful works of art for your viewing pleasure:

I See a Red Door and I Want It MS Painted Black: The Return of the Contest

Oldboi Mosh Hoff made his triumphant return with this fact-fucking review:

Fuck the Facts – Plein Noirceur

G/B/U, what you want from metal in 2021, get going!

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