Flush it Friday – Thy Wallet Be Done


“Hey kid, we’ve got free 401ks in here,” says the voice from the darkened alleyway. My wallet (naive creature that it is) can practically taste the copper of pennies saved and earned as it gives in to temptation. A turquoise parallelogram floats in the air; the promise of savings was pure deceit. Footsteps echo, and albums by Vastum, Jinjer and a slew of others emerge from the shadows. Daggers pierce faux leather, and a stream of small bills leaks onto the dirty concrete. Be careful around Bandcamp today folks. Here, arm yourselves with knowledge through some of this week’s highlights!

This is uncomfortable, but I actually wrote a thing for once, it’s about new music and weird tree critters.

Nature is Beautiful (Vol. V – Tree Weirdos)

McNulty reported back from the front lines at a Sacred Leather/Warbringer show.

Sacred Leather/Warbringer – A Live Report

Our good Toilet boiz cooked us all up some microscopic grub with this edition of Mini-Reviews.

Mini-Reviews from Around the Bowl: 10/24/19

Brandon Corsair teamed up with Dzorr for a thorough look into the origins of melodic death metal.

Forlorn Skies: An Introduction to Melodic Death Metal

What did you all purchase this week on BC? What shitposts await? Show me.

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