Flush it Friday: We Live in Hell


It’s Flush it Friday and I’m mad as hell.

This week was black mark in a never ending series of human rights violations carried out by the United States. A coterie of religious extremist lawmakers in several states banded together to impose their will on the people and effectively ban abortion. The result will be catastrophic for anyone with a uterus. We’ve been through this. Women die when abortion is outlawed. Children are abused and murdered when abortion is outlawed.

Americans, by a large majority, want abortion to be safe and legal. None of this matters to the insane rich people that run our federal and local governments. Lawmakers in Alabama, Mississippi, Missouri, and a host of other states would love to be named in the Supreme Court case that overturns Roe v. Wade. These laws aim to take agency away from women, to allow them to be punished, humiliated, and killed by the state.

These right wing freaks don’t care if they hurt your loved ones. In fact, they relish the prospect. When things seem dark, I always remind myself that there are more of us than there are of them. Our collective will can make great things happen. To start, we can give to one of the many organizations that help people get the necessary medical care they need. There’s a great list right here.

The United States government becomes more regressive every day. It’s up to us to make a change.

Also, fuck Gene Simmons. Here’s the highlights from this week.

Kit and Pat played a whole host of excellent new material on their podcast.

Riff-Raff Podcast: Ep.20 Game Of Groans

My podcast got dumb as hell and we enjoyed every minute of it.

Toilet Radio 183: RIP Death Metal Underground

Oh, hey, we made a Discord.

There’s a Toilet ov Hell Discord Channel?

The Finn Bear took a hard look at the latest from an old school favorite.

A Death/Thrash Revelation, or Oblivion-fodder? Possessed Reviewed

Shining Spear needs to tell you the good word about Vale of Pnath. Will you listen?

Tech Death Thursday: Vale of Pnath – Accursed

That’s it for me this week. The comments are all yours for the talking.

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