Album Premiere: Woundvac – Terrorizing The Swarm


Protect your sack when listening to Woundvac.

A few weeks ago, we premiered the song “Death Sedation” from Phoenix’s Woundvac. It was as blistering and painful as the Arizona summer. Like that unpleasant, oppressive heat and underwear-drenching humidity, Woundvac does not let up as we are happy to premiere their brand new album Terrorizing The Swarm.

Terrorizing The Swarm is the audible version of ECW. Loud, fast, in-your-face, and violent. It’s every balcony dive from New Jack, every table-breaking flip from Sabu, and every intense Paul Heyman promo rolled into one. It’s mean, nasty, and to-the-point.  Give it a listen now and in the immortal words of ECW announcer Joey Styles, “OH MY GOD!”

Terrorizing The Swarm is out now digitally as well as on black with white splatter vinyl. Check out their other songs on Bandcamp, follow them on Twitter, and give them a well-deserved like on Facebook.

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