
Flush it Friday: AAAA Gaming News


In recent news, there are now 4 companies publishing videogames. Macrohard has done it folks—they bought Activision Blizzard, direct from the sterile, untainted, perfect hands of Bobby Kotick. (In which no dark secrets ever rested. In which none of said dark secrets will remain at the time of his death. I am sure of this!) In the original deal, Kotick remained CEO of ActiBlizz, but more recently, it looks like he’ll probably get the boot right after the deal closes. Either way, there are 3 things to take away from this:

1) People on Twitter were really excited about how this elevates the war between Macrohard and Sonny, completely avoiding every relevant detail of the story (as you would assume).
2) Bobby Kotick is virtually guaranteed to escape all of this with a golden parachute worth hundreds of millions of dollars.
3) TovH got some good-good-ass content this week, check it out.

Tha Boiz talked RICHARD DAWKORE (i.e. Nightwish) and other merol collabs:

A Spooky Mansion got s w o l e on these crossover crossfit hits:

B&SG reviewed new Z&A and teased a Q&A:

TheoBomb? Mur premiere? Interview? Just stick it in my rivers vein:

What new indie games from 2022 are doing it for you? Tell me in the G/B/Us!

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