Riff ov the Week — Postponed


Don’t tell Joe.

Masterlord is currently studying to become a corporate shill, and thus ran out of time to compile Riff ov the Week. He truly sucks and is sorry.

The riffs you sent this week will still be used in our Demo/EP edition one week from today. If you haven’t submitted one, feel free to do so. I’ll include all of them as repayment for the shirkage of my duties this week.

But hey, just because I didn’t put all your riffs in a nice tidy list doesn’t mean we can’t still have a contest. Post your riffs in the comments below. The riff with the most votes at the end of the weekend wins, and (assuming you’re not one of those Aussies or Finns or Brazilians or Venezuelans or whatever) I’ll send you a prize in the form of a home-made card. I’ll really fucking do it.

If you win and you’re not from the U S of A, I’ll scan the card and email it to you, and can print it out in whatever weirdo country you reside.

Forgive me father.

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