Flush it Friday: “Are Bats Birds?” Edition


This question was asked today during a work meeting and I was instantly plunged a decade into my past when I heard a similar question: “Are birds mammals?” Listen up, y’all. Mammals are a class. Birds are a class. Reptiles are a class. Judas Priest is a stained class. Got it? Good, then I expect I’ll never hear something so foolhardy again in my life. To be quite honest, this has thrown my existence into disarray, as now I’m starting to question myself whether owls are bats. Are owls bears too? Gygax said so. I am truly dumbfolded.

Tha Boiz kept it h*qqa spooky with this installment of the Toilet Radio Spooktacular (ft. Soun Seeker):

Toilet Radio 397 – Viy (feat Svn.Seeker)

Hans premiered dis track by dat band, Dysgnostic:

Track Premiere: Dysgnostic – Nothing’s Embrace

365 ate seventeen 7/11 hotdogs before premiering the latest from Bones. The results were explosive:

Track Premiere: BONES – Vomit

Lord of Bork exhumed himself to review the new Exhumed:

Review: Exhumed – To the Dead

What’s the most ridic question you’ve been asked in earnest? Make my soul cringe along with your G/B/Us. ~ <3 Roldy

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