Flush it Friday: Official Yvgwie Sharpie (As-Is)


T.G.I.F. amirite? Toilet Goodness is Forthcoming.

It’s been a long ass week but before we can put it to bed and murder it in its sleep we’ve got to recap it.

First up, Michael Siebert dropped by to drop some knowledge on Edward’s favorite genre: noise rock.

Noise rock: A how-to guide for the perplexed

We got Ben from Khemmis to drop by and answer our goofy questions on this week’s podcast ‘sode.

Toilet Radio gets educated with Ben from KHEMMIS

Fronz gave us all the gift of VD. Valentine’s Day, that is! With these collectible Valentine greetings.

This Valentine’s Day, Give The Gift Of Fronz

Mosh has strong opinions about slam (and I totally agree)


You’ve still got a little time left to vote for the most innovative guitarist in metal! Part one here:

The Most Innovative Guitarist In Metal Tournament: Round 2 (Pt.I)

and part two here:

The Most Innovative Guitarist In Metal Tournament: Round 2 (Pt.I)

For no reason at all, I gave a hearty congrats to Earache Records artists Blackberry Smoke for being endorsed by the NRA.

Congrats to BLACKBERRY SMOKE for being NRA Country™ Artists

Buy your limited edition Yngwie Malmsteen Sharpie right here. The floor is now yours. We’ll see you tomorrow!

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