
Flush it Friday: Play Halo MP in a Blizzard With Me


Do you have fond memories of Blood Gulch? Do you remember your utter displeasure at the enCODening of Halo 4’s multiplayer loadouts? Then you will enjoy Halo: Infinite MP. Oh, also it’s free and cross-platform. (Truth be told, not all brodudeguy vestiges have been removed; the “squad” screen has a lot of machismo posturing but ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ ) If you’re on Discord, DM me and we can create a TovH Friends Force. If you’re on Disqus and not in our Discord, what in tarnation are you thinking? Clan tags are 4 letters long, can y’all think of anything suitable?

Guac Jim showed us there is nothing plain about Ghostemane:

Tha Boiz NFTease deez nuts on Toilet Radio:

Karhu is bridging the gap between years by continuing to listen to the most music of anybody that has ever lived:

Give G/B/U. Send energy to power through the ~3 feet of snow I may get deposited on my life tomorrow.

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