Flush it Friday: I’m Back, Nerds


Hey there stranger. I’ve been away for just about a whole month and this place has fallen into a state of near total disarray. There’s dirty clothes on the floor. Rotten milk curdling on the countertops. And some motherfucker took a poop in the tub. IN THE TUB OF ALL PLACES. It’s been a long year. I got a new job outside of the city, got married, went on honeymoon, and then immediately left again to see one of my best friends get married in DC. In all the preparation and constant commuting, I’ve been a neglectful father to this infernal commode. But no more. I have returned and this shit is getting back into order starting right now. And with that in mind, it is now the weekend so I don’t have to do anything til next week. Let’s recap the week and get on with the flushings.

Our sister podcast got a fresh new timeslot this week. Let’s check in on what Pat and Kit have to say about getting CANCELLED.

Riff-Raff Podcast: Ep.17 Cultural Sharxists

Roldy the Owl: Or how I learned to stop worrying and love the clink.

The Secret Life of Cymbals (Or, How I Learned to Love the Clink)

The Truth campaign is still kicking and this time they’re appropriating heavy metal to tell kids not to throw out their Juul pods (just refill them, dummies).

truth – H*CKIN METAL | Heavy Metal Kills: A Video Breakdown

My show this week features tales from Japan, a discussion about the Louisiana church burnings, and a delightful phone call with GoatForest’s Cajun drawl

Toilet Radio 179 – Rawhide Kobayashi Returns

That’s it for me. Be excellent to each other.

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