Free Metal Detector: Ageless Summoning


Get your week off to a flyer with some free wonky death metal courtesy of this mad new Ageless Summoning debut.

As some of you may know, we periodically collect, collate and collaborate to discuss some of the scores we have been copping on Bandcamp. The releases are Name Your Price at time of printing, which as some of you frugal fucken free-market free-loaders have no doubt ascertained by now, means you can type $0 and get them for free. However, we do encourage you to chuck in some coin for their art as they truly deserve it, otherwise we wouldn’t bother spending our free time writing about them.

Early Sunday morning I was given a tip-off by an undisclosed source that I should check out this interesting looking new album from the as yet undocumented band Ageless Summoning. [REDACTED] said I might like it. [REDACTED] was extremely correct. This little two-track offering of muddy death metal rules. First, plonk your fist on that play button and then read on.

Good shit eh? Takes all of about 10 seconds to get that neck limbered up, and over 10 minutes until it can rest easy again. There’s simply not enough of this dirty down-tempo death metal getting around these days. The riffs have the off-kilter twists of Acatalepsy intertwined through the kind of Gateways/Formulas-era Morbid Angel worship that Altars magnified to excellent effect; but it’s the grubby guitar tone which takes this combination to a grittier and ultimately more visceral plane. There’s a certain textural depth imbued by this sort of murky recording which really makes the good shit stick in ways that simply does not happen with the typical polished sounding death metal. Gonna be keeping an eye out for more material from this band, will keep you posted.

So what do you think? 2 pound for 2 pounders is probably a fair deal. Although, you can always just hit download and pay nothing, you canny tightarse.

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