Happy 1st Birthday to Us!

Today marks the first anniversary of the Toilet ov Hell and I’d like to thank you all for making it possible.
For folks that missed the genesis of the Toilet ov Hell, I’ll provide a little backstory. I used to be a very active commenter on MetalSucks. Through the comment section of that site, I had a lot of great conversations with folks. The editors of MetalSucks (understandably) weren’t big fans of all the off-topic conversations that myself and a bunch of other folks were having on their site, so they made some changes to their comment settings. So, on July 8th, 2014 I created a Facebook group and invited a bunch of regular MS commenters to join me in the newly created Facebook group: Reason, Honor, and Respect Crew. It was a glorious free-for-all. Through some of the unhinged conversations in RHRC, we got the idea to start our own metal blog. A year ago today, I published a test post on a site I had just spent a week bumbling and cursing my way through building. Since that first gibberish post, we’ve published 1155 bits of news, reviews, interviews, think pieces, and assorted lolbuttz related to metal, pop stars, and whatever else we felt like running. It’s been a blast and I’m very, very grateful that you’ve decided to join us for this bizarre project.
When I launched this site I had no idea how much work goes into creating a regular blog. I spent many sleepless nights working to write, edit, and otherwise get this clunky mess off the ground. Thankfully, a large group of you volunteered to write, edit, and help shape the design and direction of the site. Because of your efforts, the Toilet ov Hell now stands as one of the best communities on the Internet. We have created an exceptionally rare thing on the Web: a positive place to write about and discuss and make fun of music free from the norm of racism and vitriol. Instead, this community engages in genuinely intelligent discussions, creates brilliant jokes, and relies on each other in a way that transcends the bonds of ones and zeros. We often disagree and bicker, but most families do. And that is what the Toilet ov Hell is: A family (of weirdos who care a little too much about music, but a family nonetheless). Every time you read a post, or comment, or participate in our Facebook group, you are contributing to a culture that doesn’t really exist anywhere else. This site, born from a group of misfits in a heinous mess of a comment section, now holds its own among larger music blogs with our own exclusive premiers, interviews, and insightful commentary. We will continue to grow bigger and better every day.
Over the last twelve months I’ve learned more than I ever have about about writing, community, and leadership. Oh, and also music. And I needed all of it. The last year has been exceptionally tough for me. I changed careers, dealt with recurring sickness and car accidents, cancelled my engagement plans, and waded through some of the worst depression I’ve ever experienced. I don’t think I would still be here without this strange, silly group. So thank you, sincerely, for being here. Without your support, none of this would exist.
(Image Via)