Heene Boyz – The Youth Of America: A Video Breakdown

In any other election year, this might seem weird.
Yes, this video is political. I know there are those that “don’t care about politics,” but there’s less than 100 days until the next election. It’s going to be discussed. It happens. That’s just nature, Gunther.
What does this election have to do with metal? Plenty. Lots of musicians have already talked about the election, some more ridiculous than others. All Shall Perish even put out a shirt a few months ago that already hasn’t aged well. Words and merch are just that: words and merch. Most of these bands didn’t really go out of their way to write and record music for a particular candidate. There is one band, though, that decided they could not stand on the sidelines any longer. That band is Heene Boyz.
What, you haven’t heard of the Heene Boyz? You actually might have, just not under that name. Does the moniker “Balloon Boy” ring a bell? This family, who also appeared on a particularly unhinged episode of Wife Swap, created a bizarre hoax saying one of their sons was in a runaway balloon. This is a thing that really happened. Their thirst for fame didn’t stop there as the three sons created a metal band. Desperately clutching on to the last few fading seconds of their 15 minutes of fame, the band has released a new song and video called “The Youth Of America.” It is a pro-Donald Trump song.
Normally for these breakdowns, I’ll make funny comments or references about what is going on in the videos. I’m not going to do that this time. This is so unintentionally funny that nothing I say can top it. I’ve never had such strong “Get off my lawn” feelings in my life after watching this.
Just for kicks, here are the lyrics to this opus. All spelling and grammatical errors belong to the Heene Boyz.
She’s dangerous
She’s dangerous
Chinese chicken
nukes endanger us
Crooked Hillary
is dangerous
Clinton foundation
sellin out the nation
not patriotism
sellin out
Saudi connection
votes don’t count
it’s a rigged election
Alex Jones and
Drudge Report
Tellin it like it is
Donald Trump
American Creed
Trump, Trump Trump
Trump, Trump Trump
Trump, Trump Trump
Trump, Trump Trump
Trump, Trump Trump
Trump, Trump Trump
Main stream
Can’t get it right
Build the wall
To make us tight
Made in America
Proud to be American
Welcome to America
Good to be American
taken your guns
There’s no refund
Never fear
Cause Trump is here
kickin those crooks
Better stear clear
Alex Jones and
Drudge Report
Tellin it like it is
Donald Trump
American Creed
Trump, Trump Trump
Trump, Trump Trump
Trump, Trump Trump
Trump, Trump Trump
Trump, Trump Trump
Trump, Trump Trump
I wanna keep my freedom
I wanna keep my guns
Say what you want
Protect your sons
Your daughters
And your family too
Sound the trumpets
Trumps for you
This is a movement
A Figgin movement
Join the resistants
Make America Great Again!!!!!!!!!!
Stand together
Join the fight
We are the voice
The smart choice
We’re gonna make America Great Agaaaaaaaaiin
Trump, Trump Trump
Trump, Trump Trump
Trump, Trump Trump
Trump, Trump Trump
Trump, Trump Trump
Trump, Trump Trump
Make America Great Again
Drudge Report? Alex Jones? Chinese chicken? Their message in the comment section about MK ULTRA? Good. Fucking. God. Make it stop. Literally everything about this is bad. I want them to get all the chemtrails.
On the one hand, I feel bad for giving these attention vultures what they want. On the other hand, it’s good that more people know they’re a freak show living inside of a dumpster fire. May the Lizard People smite us all with sets from the moon landing being hidden in Area 51 to prevent this from ever happening again.